Interprofessional Education & Interprofessional Practice
Interprofessional Education (IPE) is defined by the Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education in the United Kingdom and the World Health Organization as “when two or more professions (students, residents and health workers) learn with, about, and from each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes.”
Interprofessional Practice (IPP) is a collaborative process in which healthcare providers work with others both within and outside their own fields, as well as with patients and their families.
Both interprofessional education and interprofessional practice are in alignment with our school vision of improving health and wellness through innovation in programs, partnerships and people, strategic plan and competency statements.

IPE is an instructional stream throughout the IDS, DDS and Dental Hygiene curricula. We believe that students should be exposed to interprofessional activities early on when their opinions and attitudes are still developing. These exposures should be delivered throughout the educational experience, gradually exposing students to interprofessional collaborative practice competencies. Students should also be encouraged to continue developing their interprofessional skills through postgraduate and continuing education.
Students from the Dugoni School of Dentistry have shared their education experiences with students from many other healthcare professions both inside and outside University of the Pacific. Students have participated in shared learning both in person and online with case-based activities in addition to shared patient care opportunities.

Shared learning and collaborative practice events have included students from the University of the Pacific Physician Assistants Program, School of Pharmacy, Clinical Nutrition, and Master’s in Social Work programs.
Students have also participated in IPE events with the UC Davis School of Medicine (November 2021), UCSF Medical School and Physical Therapy students from the University of San Francisco.
A global event involving students from all University of the Pacific health professional programs is planned for January 2022.